The unknown is a tough place to sit.
One of the major impacts of the virus is it injects so much uncertainty into our lives. This makes it really hard to plan ahead.
However, there are a few proactive things you can do that might help you feel more in control. You could start by creating a wedding back up plan. Check with the venue where you intend to hold the wedding and find out how they are responding to COVID-19. I'm sure there are many couples in the same spot you are.
If people are booking flights, many airlines have instigated a refund policy so there is flexibility of travel for guests. How are local hotels responding to the virus? You may find there is a 'hard date' when you have to make a 'go', 'no-go' decision.
Deciding on a this date will be hard. However, once you have made this decision it will free you up to either plan a different date for your wedding or to go ahead with the wedding as planned.
Dr. Anna Rowley