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What do we do with kids who are out of school for a while? Do we eliminate time with friends?

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

As a parent, I can totally relate to this quandary.

The prospect of single-handedly keeping a child entertained for 6 weeks can seem like a massive task. However, the safest thing to do, so that we’re all doing our part with respect to social distance, would be to eliminate playdates.

While your child may not be at risk, what we are learning is that there are people who are asymptomatic who are testing positive for COVID-19. If we want to protect the most vulnerable members of our community, we will all have to change business as usual.

There are a number of websites that are offering free resources to keep kids entertained - everything from drawing lessons, to exercise, to even puppet shows. Also, perhaps your kids could have virtual playdates. While these options certainly might not be as enjoyable as having an in-person play date, they’re what we need to do for the time being.

Be sure to practice your own self-care and give yourself breaks when you need them. Be compassionate with yourself as you navigate parenting in these unusual circumstances. We will get through this!

Dr. Patricia Thompson

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